Sunday, 9 November 2008

On the mend!

Okay... feeling much better ... and even went for a walk today by the canal ... the Basingstoke canal that is ..... well lets call it more of a ditch! ... as you can see from one of the photos it was just a little bit windy today as well!
The old ruin with no windows isn't where I'm currently staying.... Its called King Johns Castle, and is apparently the place King John left in 1215 to head of to Runneymede to sign the magna carta.
The marsden appointment has been rearranged for Friday coming .... so fingers crossed....


clodinette said...

Aîe it's me again, I fear not being able to talk to you much more than that in English. I left you a mail at 8 pm and I discovered the blog. I find this idea and concept as well, genious. BIsous à tous les 2. Clodinette

clodinette said...

bisous de notre part à tous les quatre. Signé monique, katie, benny boy et moi.

Jules said...

bravo pour l'anglais et pour le message clo ! Tu es la premiere ! Gros bisous a vous tous et bon weekend. x