Thursday, 15 January 2009

Day Eleven

Well by midnight last night Jules temperature had returned to normal.... and thats they way it has stayed all day .... Her white cell count is now 0.3 ... so thats heading in the right direction ... and then during this afternoon they gave her some platelets and blood by transfusion ..... thats not a cause for concern... they had said to me two days ago that that was in all probability what they would do.... it just speeds up the process of her achieving "normal" levels in her blood.

So by this afternoon she was a lot more cheery.... had a massage for the second day running! ... the nausea has reduced quite a lot... and had a cup of tea ... and put an order in for breakfast ..

So a big improvement on yesterday.... and if the improvement curve is an exponential one .... then she should feel even better tomorrow! .... Thanks to everyone for their good wishes, thoughts and messages of support.....


clodinette said...

j'essaie désespérement de laisser des messages mais j'ai un souci au niveau de la reconnaissance du mot de passe, alors cela buge. Mon message précédent n'a pas été enregistré... Désolée. Bon anyway I read the updates even if I could't leave a little message of encouragment. Bravo à tous les deux pour cette convalescence. BIsous et fortes pensées.

clodinette said...

youpi ! I succeed in reinitialising my password. So many thoughts and kisses again to you both from benoit and I. Reassured to read that julia felt a bit better without chest infection. Nous pensons bien à vous.

Lou said...

Hi Jules and Stuart
When you smile Jules we smile, keep up the "model patient" progress. Thank you Stuart for keeping us all up to date. Hugs and Kisses.
Cheers Lou, Dave Millie & Ottis

sue said...

thanks so much Stuart for all the updates - hope you continue to feel better Jules - well done both of you! xxxx

Aggie said...

It's so nice to start the day with a cheerful note. Fantastic Mrs "model patient", well done
I'll have a cup of tea to your health !
Gros bisous

Stuart said...

A big "thankyou" to you all for caring and thinking of Jules as she's going through this! ... I'm confident shes now really on the road to recovery!