Sunday, 11 January 2009

Day Seven

If I said that today Jules isn't feeling that great; then it would sound as if she's making no progress .... and in fact is going backwards..... Well it is true that today she probably feels about as good as Thursday ... the nausea has returned and she feels tired and has lost her appetite. So on the face of it you might be disappointed.... However the reason she feels worse is simply that her white cell count is now down to 0.6 ( when 5.0 or below is abnormal) .... and so her bodies immune system is extremely low...... but she still has a normal temerature and blood pressure ... which is really good news. Thats because tomorrow her white cell count will fall to 0.0 zero! .... and from there .... the only way is up.... because the new stem cells will start doing their job and rebuild her immunity.
As her nurse said to us ... to have got this far without an infection or high tempertature is fantastic ... tomorrow is the bottom of the curve in terms of feeling bad.... and so from Day nine she should start to feel better.....

So..... still keeping 'em crossed .... keep them positive waves heading over to the Marsden ... get through tomorrow .... X


Linda said...

Here's hoping that the "bottom of the curve" is short lived and Day 9 signals better days ahead. Positive thoughts to you both....keeping them crossed!!

Aggie said...

Fingers crossed ! positive thoughts, good vibes all for you Jules.
Lots of kisses

Stuart said...

Hi Linda... it was a fairly steep curve down... so hopefully its an equally steep curve back up there! .. thanks for caring!

HI Agnes! ... all those positive thoughts are working ! ...Im absoloutely certain they help as part of this is a mental battle ..Thankyou ... I'll give her a kiss for you later today when I see her.... X

sue said...

Hi Stuart
Please do give her positive thoughts and love from me too! xxx

Stuart said...

Hi Sue ...I did! ... and she has seen it for herself very briefly ... when she managed to "fire up" the clockwork pc in the ward... X