N.B. JoJo, regardes le petit tableau au-dessus de ma tete !...
In fact, I felt so good, we even took a (very) short walk this afternoon ... maybe 100 metres (!) to breathe in some real fresh, versus filtered, air!
So, although I have yet to look at what has been going on on the blog in my absence, a really big, heartfelt thanks to everyone who has left messages... they really do give me a great boost.... BUT equally to those of you who have tried but been defeated by blog technology (and there are apparently more than just one or two of you... it defeated me too, but that's not hard)!
Anyway, I hope to get to read all messages tomorrow and we'll keep this thing going a while I guess.... because you seem to like it!
Thanks again xoxoxoxoxo
Hi Jules & Stuart
So glad you are home and feeling so much better. If I could I'd trade some of this hot weather for your cool weather.Enjoy the fresh air.
XO Lou, Dave, Millie & Ottis
Coucou Jules
well it's so nice to see you at home. profites de tous les instants et ne mange pas trop de chocolats!
Reposes toi bien
Gros gros bisous
Happy to see you back home Julia. Clo
LOU.... thanks for being there my love, and for all your news received by post!
AGGIE.... oui, je mange de plus en plus mais il faut dire j'ai quelques kilos a reprendre....au secours Ellie!?!
CLODINETTE....rien que d'etre a la maison est une forme de guerison!
I'm hoping not to run out of steam before writing something on here tonight... the will is there, just got to muster the energy!
Bisous et a plus tard..... x
Hello Jules,
first time on your "blog" and there you are ! You look great !
I'll be over your way around the 18 Feb with a chablis producer. Fancy joining one of our tastings ?
Lots of love from B.J. A. and E.
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